Binary data file details As of v1.0, bsrender data files have a fixed-length 256-bit ascii header (including the file identifier in the first 11 bytes), followed by a variable number of 33-byte star records. The ascii header can be viewed with 'head -1 '. Each star record includes a 64-bit unsigned integer for Gaia DR3 'source_id', three 40-bit truncaed doubles for x,y,z, a 24-bit truncated float for linear_1pc_intensity, a 24-bit truncated float for linear_1pc_intensity_undimmed, a 16-bit unsigned int for color_temperature, and a 16-bit unsigned int for color_temperature_unreddened. these are packed into a 33 byte star record with each field encoded in the selected byte order. +---------------+---------+---------+---------+-----+-----+---+---+ | source_id | x | y | z | li |li-u | c |c-u| +---------------+---------+---------+---------+-----+-----+---+---+ | 8 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | bytes mkgalaxy and mkexternal have options to generate either little-endian or big-endian files but the bye-order of the file must match the architecture it is used on with bsrender. This is to avoid unnessary operations in the performance critical inner-loop of processStars() which iterates over potentially billions of star records. The filenames contain '-le' or '-be' to indicate byte order. Byte order is also indicated with the file identifier in the first 11 bytes of the header: BSRENDER_LE for little-endian and BSRENDER_BE for big-endian. Output from mkgalaxy mkgalaxy version 1.0-dev-14 Star temperatures determined by r/G and bp/G ratios when available Star distance derived from DR3 'parallax' only Lindegrenn et. al. parallax calibration disabled Maximum distance of 5.0e+04 parsecs will be enforced Output data files will be in little-endian format Input records: 1811713157 Output by parallax quality pq000: 702435883 pq001: 284451214 pq002: 157970346 pq003: 128186394 pq005: 93831732 pq010: 49465403 pq020: 17788913 pq030: 14670748 pq050: 10572594 pq100: 5837823 Total: 1465211050 Discards 2-parameter solution (no parallax): 341043382 5 or 6-parameter solution but no G-band flux: 5458725 Negative parallax: (maximum distance override enabled) Values derived from Gaia DR3 GSPPhot fields Distance: (disabled) Undimmed intensity: 470742690 Unreddened temperature: 470751686 Distance override (max=5.0e+04 parsecs) Negative parallax: 356468139 Distance too high: 17497788 Apparent temperature derived from bp/rp: 1347121044 bp/G: 453520 rp/G: 2792969 nu_eff_used_in_astrometry: 230686 pseudocolor: 114612831 Temperature min/max override Apparent temperature < 500K: 283364 Apparent temperature > 32767K: 89180 Unreddened temperature < 500K: 0 Unreddened temperature > 32767K: 13998 Incremental time: 4.298s, total time: 9660.686s ### This work has made use of data from the European Space Agency (ESA) mission Gaia (, processed by the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC, Funding for the DPAC has been provided by national institutions, in particular the institutions participating in the Gaia Multilateral Agreement.